Темная энергия: DESI создала самую большую 3D-карту Вселенной

In order to explore the dark energy, the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) at Berkeley Lab has created largest and most detailed ever 3D map of the Вселенная by obtaining optical spectra from millions of galaxies and quasars. The idea is to measure the effect of dark energy on the expansion of the Вселенная by accurately measuring the expansion history over the past 11 billion years, through measurement of the position and receding velocity of about 40 million galaxies. 

Until late nineties, it was thought that expansion of the Вселенная following Big Bang about 13.8 billion years ago, should slow down due to gravitational attraction between galaxies, stars and other matter in the cosmos. However, on 8 January 1998, astronomers of Сверхновая звезда Cosmology Project announced the discovery that Universe’s expansion is actually speeding up (instead of slowing down). This finding was soon confirmed independently by the High-Z Supernova Search Team.  

For about a century, the Вселенная was thought to be expanding as a result of Big Bang. The discovery that the expansion of the Вселенная is actually accelerating means something else must overcome gravitational attraction and drive the acceleration of Universe’s расширение.  

‘Dark’ energy is thought to drive the acceleration of Universe’s expansion. ‘Dark’ means lack of knowledge. Very little is known about the dark energy, however, it is known that the mysterious dark energy constitutes about 68.3% of the mass energy content of the Вселенная (the rest 26.8% is made up of dark matter, which clusters gravitationally but does not interact with light and the remaining 4.9% constitutes the entire observable Вселенная including all the ordinary regular matter that we all are made up of).  

This is one aspect about the Вселенная that remains largely unknown to science today.   

Спектроскопический прибор темной энергии (DESI) в лаборатории Беркли разработан и введен в эксплуатацию для изучения темной энергии. Основная цель DESI — изучение природы темной энергии. Как меняется его плотность энергии во времени и как это влияет на кластеризацию материи? Для этого DESI использует свои карты для измерения двух космологических эффектов: барионных акустических колебаний и искажений красного смещения в пространстве. 

In the last seven months of operation, DESI has prepared the largest and most detailed 3D map of the Вселенная to date. The map shows locations of about 7.5 million galaxies up to a distance of 10 billion light-years. In the next five years, DESI will log 35 million galaxies covering almost one third of the observable Вселенная.  



Национальная лаборатория Лоуренса Беркли. Пресс-релиз – Спектроскопический прибор темной энергии (DESI) создал крупнейшую трехмерную карту космоса. Опубликовано 3 января 13 г. Доступно по адресу https://newscenter.lbl.gov/2022/01/13/dark-energy-spectroscopic-instrument-desi-creates-largest-3d-map-of-the-cosmos/ 

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