Непартеногенетические животные дают «девственное рождение» после генной инженерии  

Parthenogenesis is asexual reproduction in which genetic contribution from male is dispensed with. Eggs develop to offspring on their own without being fertilised by a sperm. This is seen in nature in some species of plants, insects, reptiles etc. In facultative parthenogenesis the animal switch from sexual to parthenogenetic reproduction under difficult situations. Non-parthenogenetic species reproduce sexually and do not give “virgin births”. In a study reported recently, researchers achieved induction of facultative parthenogenesis and “virgin births” in Drosophila melanogaster (a non-parthenogenetic species) through генетический engineering. The research team identified involved genes and demonstrated for the time first time how expressions of involved genes influence induction of facultative parthenogenesis in an animal.  

Партеногенез – форма бесполого размножения, в которой не участвуют оплодотворение of an egg by a sperm. The embryo is formed by the female on her own (without генетический contribution from a male) which develops to give “virgin birth”. Parthenogenesis could be either obligate or facultative. In case of facultative parthenogenesis, the animal switch from sexual to parthenogenetic reproduction under difficult situations while obligate parthenogenesis is the situation when reproduction is mainly asexual through parthenogenesis.  

«Непорочное рождение» без оплодотворения спермой может показаться странным, но эта форма воспроизводства, при которой обходятся без мужского пола, естественно наблюдается у многих видов растений, насекомых, ответов и т. д. Непатогенетические виды не дают «девственных рождений», хотя и имеют место. были искусственно индуцированы в яйцах в лаборатории, чтобы родить потомство лягушек и мышей. Эти случаи искусственного партеногенеза у лягушек и мышей не сделали самок лягушек и мышей способными самостоятельно рожать девственниц, поскольку только их яйца подвергались стимуляции. эмбриональное развитие в лабораторных условиях. Это изменилось теперь с отчетом (опубликованным 28th July 2023) of non-parthenogenetic animals giving “virgin births” following генетический engineering. This is first such case of sexually reproducing animal turning parthenogenetic because of manipulations in their genes.   

Two species of Drosophila were used in this study. Drosophila mercatorum species, which has sexually reproducing strain and parthenogenetically reproducing strain (facultative), was used to identify genes involved in parthenogenesis while Drosophila melanogaster which is a non-parthenogenetic species was used for gene manipulation to produce партеногенетический летать.  

The research team sequenced genomes of two strains of Drosophila mercatorum and compared gene activity in eggs of the two strains. This led to identification of 44 candidate genes with potential roles in parthenogenesis. Next was to test if manipulating candidate gene homologs would induce facultative parthenogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster. The researchers found a polygenic system – facultative parthenogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster (a non-parthenogenetic species) was triggered by increased expression of the mitotic protein kinase polo and decreased expression of a desaturase, Desat2 that was enhanced by increased expression of Myc. The eggs grew parthenogenetically mainly to triploid offspring. This is first demonstration of генетический basis of facultative parthenogenesis in an animal as well as its induction through генетический машиностроение.  



  1. Сперлинг А.Л., и др. 2023. генетический basis for facultative parthenogenesis in Drosophila. Current Biology Published: 28 July 2023. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.07.006  
  1. Кембриджский университет, 2023 г. Новости. Ученые раскрыли секрет непорочного зачатия и активировали эту способность у самок мух. Доступны на https://www.cam.ac.uk/research/news/scientists-discover-secret-of-virgin-birth-and-switch-on-the-ability-in-female-flies Проверено 2023.  


Умеш Прасад
Умеш Прасад
Научный журналист | Основатель-редактор журнала Scientific European

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